Pride of Yirrimburra pt. 1
Session Notes (2/11/22) Game: Call of Cthulhu Scenario: Pride of Yirrimburra // Terror Australis Players: 4 (1 missing) In our session zero, everyone made characters. We have Abby, the boundary rider for Copperhead Ranch, just north of Adelaide, and her co-woker: a Jillaroo named Polly. Abby emigrated to Australia when she was younger, but Polly was born here. Visiting the ranch is a Yank geologist named Millie. She was brought here by a research grant, but also by strange dreams of blood in the soil. On their train ride into Yirrimburra, they meet Vena, an indiginous Tasmanian man looking for Jack Ramsey. Most of these details were established in session 0, but Vena’s connection was established during this evenings’ session. I asked the players to decide how to attach themselves to the scenario’s hook: Jack Ramsey needed to be someone’s uncle and they all needed a reason to visit him in Yirrimburra. Abby’s player volunteered as the niece...