
Showing posts from December, 2022

Session Notes (12/09/22) - Clackers in Peril!

Game : Troika! + Ultraviolet Grasslands Module : Ultraviolet Grasslands Players : 4 This was session 4 of the weekly Troika! game I’m playing with friends online.  I’m still getting the hang of writing play reports as a player, and I have a strong feeling that writing “in character” is maybe annoying to read, but also the way I’m leaning towards.  I’m gonna try it out here. Characters : Higbert, Ardent Giant of Corda, my character Walter Arnold, Member of the Sublime Society of Beefsteaks (a long running character.  Her player played this character in my year long Troika! Pandemic game, and as such has many skills, items, and experiences waaaay beyond a beginning character) Phil, a Gremlin Catcher who is heavily inspired by Edward Norton’s character in Moonrise Kingdom Mr. Zoravu, a sorcerer from the academy of doors Session : To recap everything from beforehand: Our characters are drawn to a strange, floating portrait which acts as a dimensional portal.  We each bel...

Session Notes (12/08/22) - The Travels of Oli Greenback pt. 5

Game : Runequest: Roleplaying in Glorantha Module : n/a Players : 4 This was session 5 of the twice monthly runequest game I/ve been playing online.  Sorry there aren’t reports for sessions 0-4 but I’m trying to make sure I write play reports from when I am a player.  Since I was a player I think my report will naturally focus more on my character’s perspective. Characters : Oli, my humakti duck Galgo, a lodrili caladralander Sera, Ernaldan Sartarite Mago, the storm bull sartarite Session : To recap everything from beforehand: Sera, Galgo, and Oli played through the events of the quickstart: The Broken Tower.  We recovered most of the cattle and captured Danakos.  Idrima remains in the tower. Back in Clearwine, we spoke to the events that happened, and after attending to our seasonal duties, were charged with traveling to the Shaker temple to ask the priestess how to deal with Idrima. The group hired a duck boat, and plied their way past the upland marsh, and to the ...

One year on: Retrospective

I started this blog as a way to keep track of my RPG sessions.  I wanted some kind of record of my gaming, and play reports felt like an easy way to do that.  On a couple occasions, sharing the play reports has also been interesting, but the main goal was to write it for myself, to look back on. And I have!  I have taken the time to look back and reread how a scenario or an adventure or module went, and I’ve looked at how it was homebrewed by me or if it was a published scenario.  And I’ve enjoyed that.  But it seems clear to me that: I like writing session reports for games that I GM I don’t like writing session reports for games that I am a mere player in I wonder why?  I’m not sure, but if my blog is a record of my gaming, it is sorely lacking.  I’ve been a player in a Troika!+UVG game on Fridays for about 4 sessions, and I’ve been a player in a Runequest Campaign for about 5 sessions as well.  The games are interesting and fun and completely d...