
Showing posts from October, 2023

10/11/2023 Pendragon Session Two - A SHIELD BORN IN BLOOD

10/11/2023 Pendragon Session Two - A SHIELD BORN IN BLOOD (The Adventure of The Sword Tournament, 510 pt. 2) pre-session We gathered again for our second session of Pendragon.  In between sessions I’ve been binging on Arthuriana… and I’ve sort of got the bug?  I watched Excalibur and Knightriders .  I’ve read the first two books of Malory’s Le Morte D’Arthur .  And I purchased a pdf of the Great Pendragon Campaign.  I’ve read through the “Boy King” period which corresponds with the starter set.  My mind has been swimming with thoughts on the tellings and retellings of Arthur’s legend, and how to have fun with it. Most of my thoughts concern ideas for years 511 and 512, mostly using stuff I’ve read and pulling from the GPC to expand upon the starter set.  I am also toying with extending our starter set with the additional boy king years… maybe up to 515?  Not sure.  The starter set doesn’t have a “satisfying ending”.  We will have to wai...

10/05/2023 - The Haunting - Tabletop Game Club

  *spoilers below… all my posts are spoiler based* art from the quickstart I’ve run The Haunting before (as noted on this blog).  It is a great introduction to Call of Cthulhu.  So for Spooky Month, I brought it prepped for the tabletop game club I run at school.  The club has about 8-12 members (depending on the day), half of which are in a stars without number campaign run by a student (!).  So I took the remaining three players and played through the scenario.  None of them had played Call of Cthulhu before. The first time I ran this scenario, I developed a set of 6 pregens, along with 3 backup characters (in case of lethality early in the session).  I also purchased the excellent “ The Haunting Handout Pack ”.  Armed with my notes, the pregens/backups, several NPC portraits I generated, and the handouts, I was able to get the game going quickly. They chose some pregens, and I did a brief overview of the game. We moved quickly into the scenar...