#Dungeon23 week 1

I decided to do dungeon23!

The only possible way I could make it work would be to follow the very simplest version of it: 30 seconds to one minute writing.  at the end of the week, upload.

I already "bullet journal" so I didn't want to carry around a second fancy notebook, and I didn't want to combine my bujo with my dungeon23 notebook, so I ended up printing out these lovely monthly pamphlets from shouting crow

My principles are simple:

- it is for me; I don't need stats or lots of details.  ideally I'd use this at some point, I just need ideas to riff off of an a skeleton to hang things off of.

- I'm not drawing a proper map.  it is a skill I like and something I'd probably actually enjoy, but that would take lots of time, and the whole thing with this is just trying to carve out a tiny 5 minute window each day to write these little snippets.

- make it to December 31st 2023

At the end of each week I am going to post here my weekly spread.

My "theme" is starting out as a post apocalyptic weird science fantasy, blended with real life places I've lived or worked in (schools, hospitals, restaurants, campgrounds, etc.)

My appendix N:

- Anomalous Subsurface Environment

- Miyazaki post apocalyptic medieval fantasy movies (Nausicaa, Castle in the Sky, etc.)

- Games like Rad Hack, Acid Death Fantasy, Vaults of Vaarn, Mutant Year Zero, etc.

so here is my first week!

P.S. - I have a list of "trophies" and "graffiti" that I am expanding on.  I want the entrance to be very useful as a a sort of "rumors" room for many visits, so I am just slowly adding to it as time permits and ideas hit me.


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